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MUNI alliance


The Muni Alliance is a municipal wireless communications industry consortium that brings together companies that represent products and services used in the entire supply chain for wireless broadband.

Abed Farhan View my profile created the Muni Alliance in 2007. The driving force behind the Muni Alliance is the need for vendor collaboration to facilitate the efficient utilization of municipal wireless broadband. Through joint marketing and educational programs, Muni Alliance helps increase awareness of viable WiFi broadband-ready solutions and new offerings that increase revenue, cut expenses, and improve customer. Experience. Consumer/business users, civil or public services, hardware/software organizations, application service providers, installation/support organization, service providers and consultants will be beneficiaries.

The Muni Alliance idea is based on the dynamic growth and evolution of Municipal Wireless broadband marketplace. Broadband access will no longer a separate component that the user has to acquire and integrate with their hardware and application. The future is upon us! Embedded access allows for seamless integrated solutions that include the three critical components: hardware, application and access.

The evolution of integration

The Muni Alliance addresses wireless users concerns, such as:

  • Frustration over the complexity of making hardware, application and wireless access work together.
  • The need to communicate available options and develop solutions for users, versus looking to users to piece together solutions from a variety of different vendors.
  • The need for a wireless network solutions that work with new or existing hardware, applications, and systems
  • Awareness and knowledge about new options and alternatives that will increase efficiencies and reduces operational cost.